what a waste of words

Man, I'm staring at this blank page of my almost blank blog for at least 20 minutes now. I don't know why I keep trying to keep this thing alive when it's so obvious that I'm completly incapable of writing something cool and funny and ironic and deep and other shit I was planning to. Damn you, stupid brain.

It's 5 o'clock now and I don't want to go home because I know SHE will be there and she's not the most nice girl I ever met if you know what I mean. The first thing she told me today when I got back from college was HAVE TO BUY WATER. Not "you have", not "we have", not even someone. Its my turn but I dont understand why I have to buy it as soon as I'm there when everybody else only do it when we are about to die. Ok, its not a big deal but she drives me insane, sometimes.

Anyway, as I already said, its five o'clock, wich means I have to go back and buy that stupid water for my stupid roommate before she burn the apt just to clarify her point. BUT, as I already said too, I DONT WANT TO GO.

I want to use the money to buy COKES AND BEER and maybe a donut (not really cause its too expensive and I'm still not working).

And thats not what I was planning to say, not at all. I wanted to write about how happy I'm most of the time I'm with HIM, and how we are so stupidly in love we want to move together, and then I could say something about sex and life and friends and college and jobs and art and cinema. But. *cough*

Maybe next time.

For now I say I will not write only in english. I was inspired by a friend who said to not spread her blog to the world, so I will not tell. But she writes in english, and I've being wanted to do that since I was *whatever age*, and maybe now is a good time. I like to be a bad writer in portuguese too but, lets face it, I HAVE TO LEARN THAT STUPID LANGUAGE IF I WANT TO HAVE SOME REAL MONEY.

So, if you read something like "may name are josefine" or "me likes too chake", you can correct me. In fact, I ask you to, and do it quickly.

Okey, then? Okey, then. Thank you very much.

5 comentários:

Dokela disse...

how cute, i wonder who inspired you. hmm.
you are very very good at english i have to say. and you arent completely incapable of writing something cool, funny, ironice, deep and other shit you were planning to. and you dont have to keep it alive if you dont feel like it, at least i wouldnt, i only write when im really in the mood to do so, or when im reaaaaaally bored
anyway, that doesnt really matter, i think you should tell your roomate that instead of taking turns to buy water (or things like that) each of you should have a task for yourselves. like only she buys water but only you buy coke.

Leo disse...

luv ya

Natacha disse...

mai englixi is véui véui uridicoulous

Natacha disse...

mas que eu ri na parte do comprar água, isso eu ri.

Natacha disse...

e ainda por cima me pareceu um ótimo "pensamenteado" de alguma menina JUNO lifestyle ( não sei se vc assistiu) em algum filme ou seriado aleatório aí.

vai ser roteirista, miriam?
obrigada, de nada.